Northern Virginia, Top Ten Dog Training Tips

There’s no doubt hiring a professional dog Trainer will help make your life easier but if you are planning to train your dog yourself just to give it a try before hiring a professional there are few trick sand tips that you need to be familiar of. Some of the concerns of dog owners is how do they start? What should they do? What are the best training tips for a puppy or an adult dog? You don’t have to concern yourself about advanced training. Right now, what’s important is you teach your dog the basics. This will help them adjust much quicker to their training later on.

The following are some of the fundamental training tips that you can apply to your new pet.

Start With Your Dog’s Name

You can name your dog after your mom, dad or your favorite singer but do you know that choosing the name of your dog is crucial in training them? Apparently, there are certain names that are found to be better for training. According to dog experts you should choose a short name that ends with a consonant so that your dog can hear it clearly such as Ginger, Jack or Carter. Ending the name with a strong consonant will place more emphasis at the last and it will be easier for your dog to remember its name. If you get an older dog and you want to change its name you can freely do so. To ensure that they remember it, be consistent.

Establish House Rules

Before taking your new pet home make sure you have already established your house rules. Determine the do’s and don’ts. Can your dog sit on the bed? Is it allowed to stay inside your bedroom or at your home office? Which areas of the house is your dog not allowed to go? Does it have its own chair during meal time at the dining table? You have to set the rules so your dog will not get confused.

Give Your Dog Its Own Space

Just like you, your dogs would also appreciate if you give them their own personal space. Before you bring your new pet home make sure it has its own private place like a crate. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Most dogs want to be left by themselves in their own private corner. This is important when you are housetraining. We often recommend dog owners to reward their pets whenever they stay calm and behaved in their dens.

Help Your Dog Relax

Do you know that when you give your pet a warm bottle and place a clock beside their crate they’ll feel more relaxed? Give it a try. This is especially helpful for pets that used to live in a loud and busy place.

Reward Your Dog For Being Good

Reward your dog for good behavior whether it’s a hug, a toy or a dog treat. Rewarding your pets will let them know that what they did was pleasing to you. Don’t reward them when they behave badly as this will only confuse them. Draw a line between good and bad.

Train Your Dog Not To Bite and Nip

If your pet tries to nip or bite you don’t scold it right away. You don’t have to be harsh to let your dog know that the behavior is wrong. One effective tip is to pretend that you are badly hurt. This will discourage your dog from doing it again.

After you’ve done the basics you can now hire a professional dog trainer for more advanced tricks. Make sure you find a good trainer to do it.