How Pond Fountains Work?

The purpose of floating pond fountains is to enable aeration of the water in the pond, hence increasing the oxygen levels in the water, as all living things need oxygen to survival, and aquatic creatures found in these ponds are different. This also helps minimize the growth of algae. Several creatures are co-existing under these waters such as plants, aquatic creatures and algae, and the foundation helps balance out the environment, as in a way that their survival is co-defendant on one another.

Proper planning has to be done to ensure you have a properly functioning pond. Some of the things you will need include:

Water source

For a pond to even exist, there must be a source which the water comes from, and flows back. Most ponds tend to circulate their water. Therefore, a system of proper piping must be installed as this is the foundation of having a pond. Some people opt to connect their pond to their storm water home installation system, hence the water collected there flows to the pond. For others, they use water from natural water sources such as rivers and streams. Bottom line, ponds are usually closed circuit, where the water circulates and is drained after a while, therefore the main reason for having a foundation is in order to ensure proper aeration and circulation.

Pond Pump

This is required in order for the fountain to function in the pond. Water is pumped into the pond fountain, hence enables the circulation of water. There are two types of pumps; submersible pumps and external pumps.

Submersible pumps are submerged in the pond and are usually connected to the reservoir. These types of pumps are quiet underwater and can be used to drain the pond. They are preferred for smaller ponds, as pump powered is measured in gallons per hour, hence work effectively in the required task of proper circulation water as a smaller pond usually has lesser gallons of water. In the case however of having aquatic creatures and plants in your pond, you should make sure to not use the type that utilizes oil, in case of an oil spillage. Additionally, this type of pump is very low economical and easy to install.

External pumps, also known as centrifugal pond pumps, are preferable for larger ponds. This particular pond as the name is used outside the pond, on dry ground, installing is much more complicated for this one however they are very reliable and an energy efficient option. They are much louder in comparison to the former, the maintenance is much easier.

Therefore, once one had settled on the type of pump that they intend to use, they have to pick a size that will e appropriate for the size of their pond. Pond pumps are measured according to gallons per hour (GPH) however the large capacity pumps are rated at horsepower (HP). To determine the appropriate size, one needs to calculate the volume in water in their pond and in relation to this will be able an appropriate pump than will work effectively.

Water circulation in the pond is dependent on the pumps that is picked this therefore determines the duration of time intervals when the water is circulated. This is a key factor of having a pump to ensure life in existent in one’s pond, therefore it is critical to ensure the pump is maintained and working properly.

Fountain Head

Water from the pump is delivered to the fountain where it is sprayed out into the air, through a nozzle, or free flow where it pushed out due to pressure. The water lets out then falls back to the pond and circulation continues. Through this process, oxygen is received, and other impure gasses are released into the air. This method also helps prevent stratification. This is whereby the water at the top of the sun gets heated up and receives oxygen whereas the water below is oxygen deprived hence there is no proper balance in the pond, and in the case of a turnover, where these different temperatures mix can lead to death of aquatic creatures. This foundation therefore prevents all this from happening, therefore ensuring life and a healthy pond.